Walking on grassland towards a wild coastline

Ready to get on a New Trip in Life? Check out these Videos to make it your journey


Breaking Free from an unhappy Job

12 Pairs Of Glasses

SHARPEN your senses (not just your eyesight)

How pink glasses actually happen to be a blessing when sitting in a dark room?

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How even tolerable pressure truly affects eyesight & how to counteract?

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How to apply the snow-goggle principle for your award winning free ride?

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How much of an EXPERT do I need to be to break free?

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How to overcome the difficulty of choosing who you truly want to be?

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How to clear your sight for the thrilling opportunities in your life?

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3 enlightening steps from lonely warrior to empowered human being?

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5 great things to learn from divers to survive panic under water?

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How clueless steps can be refocused to form a meaningful happy dance?

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How fixing your fear helps you to gloriously take off in life?

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How to potentially save your life by spiraling up instead of spiraling down?

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How your magic uniqueness can be found to shine godlike beyond boundaries?

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