Earnings Disclaimer

Sonja Williamson | Omoora

There is NO GUARANTEE that employing the techniques, ideas, strategies, products, or services on this website will produce a financial gain for you. Ideas, examples, and strategies provided in articles, videos, podcasts, live broadcasts, online coaching, and other content I produce are based on my personal experience. They may or may not work for your specific business idea / new enterprise / alternative employment and are not to be interpreted as a guarantee or promise of earnings or success.

The materials provided by Omoora.com are not to be interpreted as a “get rich quick” scheme in any way. Changing careers, seeking new employment, launching a new business online, or otherwise takes a lot of hard work. Your earning potential is entirely dependent upon you, and the current market. Whether You are successful in employing any of the recommended ideas, techniques and strategies is dependent upon factors, including but not limited to, your skills, financial resources, marketing knowledge, business model, and the time you devote. Therefore, there is no guarantee of your earnings should you decide to follow the literal or implied advice given by Omoora. The opposite can be true, you may worsen your financial and personal situation significantly and irrevocably.

Giving up your current employment is not a decision to take lightly, and must be taken on an entirely personal and individual basis, with extreme due diligence on your part. Sonja Williamson | Omoora does not recommend you to take such an action based on the aforementioned materials provided. If you do decide a change of employment is right for you, you must take 100% accountability and responsibility for that decision yourself. Nobody but yourself (and possibly not even yourself) has the hope to fully understand the complexity of your own situation. Additionally, it is impossible to predict what future events might occur, which would make such a decision obviously disadvantageous when seen in the future with hindsight. Therefore Sonja Williamson | Omoora is not liable for any real or perceived disadvantageous outcomes made as a result of using this website, and the paid-for or free online coaching/advice offered by the company Sonja Williamson | Omoora.

Last Updated: Feb 27, 2022