The Key to Feeling 100% Aligned with the Radiant Energy of May

soul's brand May 07, 2024

If you live in Europe (or some parts of the US), you might be going to a May festival. 🌷

I love the mystical pagan routes. I embrace the connection to nature: the celebration of rejuvenation. 🌿

grow happy like a rich hippie

Like the vibrant renewal of spring:

- I want to radically shift your perspective.

- I want to radically help you feel already there —as if your brand is blossoming before your eyes.

- I want you to radically see what cannot be seen —tapping into energies that feed your creativity and growth.

Because you've got it inside you.

All we do together is create it in the ETHER for it to start living.

You do not get to thrive as long as your strong PROPOSITION doesn't get to live.

It is that easy.

It is the Objective of Soul's Branding.

We love numbers that measure the amount of followers, likes, participants, and all that.

Yet, we already KNOW: The number of followers is not important BUT...
- The expansion.
- The grandness.
- The reach.

One facet of enlightenment is the heartfelt acceptance and knowing of who you are on this planet.

You Are Here Now - THE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS OWNER - That You've Been From The Moment You Planted Your Seed. 🌱

On all levels.
Reaching consistent income.
Breaking through income ceilings.
Reaching the millions.


Let me explain: Imagine time has collapsed. As a thought experiment, let's embrace the idea that there is no sequentiality. Picture all things— past, present, and future—as already existing simultaneously.

Yet, in this physical life, we see and experience only the 'now.' We can, however, embrace the power of the present moment, as Eckhart Tolle teaches. By doing so, we can magically—divinely—influence all time.

Let's label our existence and our society as 'manifested reality' because our combined thoughts and actions shape it. By bridging the spiritual realm—your soul's calling—with 'manifested reality,' you project your deepest visions into tangible outcomes through inspired action.

This is the ONLY path.
This is how the world, business dynamics, and we work.

What is the ETHER?

It is the place where we detach from what we think is right marketing, what the world made us believe about business, and who we became through conditioning.

It is embracing the soul, the reason for why we came here, expressing in a way that people get us, feeling so energized we can't but jump out of bed in the morning and get to work, our calling. 🌟

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